What is a branded hashtag?


A branded hashtag is a hashtag you create that is your digital engraved stamp across your content on social media. Not only can your branded hashtag show your tribe what you’ve posted and where you’ve posted on social media, but a branded hashtag will also pull every post you’ve created related to your branded hashtag.

What Does Your Branded Hashtag Represent?


Did you know that your branded hashtag represents your brand? Make sure to choose a hashtag that is unique to you and your company. Search the hashtag you wish to have on google to see if anyone else is using the hashtag you would like

 to use for your company. If someone is using a hashtag that you want, then choose a different hashtag. You want a unique tag that directly brings consumers to what you and you alone are posting – not your competition.


Benefits of Having a Branded Hashtag for Your Brand or Company


Consumers and followers can follow your hashtag on different social media platforms. When they follow your hashtag, they will see any of your content that you’ve posted in their social media feed.

The benefit to having followers follow your hashtag in addition to your platform is that it’s easier for people to follow the same hashtag across platforms. This means that if you have a different social media handle on various platforms, your followers and clients can simply follow your branded hashtag, so they don’t have to remember your other handles on each platform!


Where Should I Use a Branded Hashtag?

Your branded hashtag is your personal or professional stamp that is unique to your business. Use your branded hashtag on all social media platforms, including YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn. You also want to place your branded hashtag in your blog and on your website so people who are searching your tag on Google can find all of your content under your branded hashtag.

How Powerful is a Branded Hashtag?


Are branded hashtags powerful? See for yourself. Google search #travelglutenfreepodcast or #spotonleeto find out for yourself how powerful a branded hashtag can be for your brand. 

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