Having ‘not secure’ displaying in your URL bar isn’t the ideal situation for your business. Even if your website isn’t collecting data with a sign-up, consumer checkout, or other data gathering pop-up, you want to avoid having this label slapped on your company website.
A website that doesn’t use HTTPS technology is referred to as “less secure.” You know you’re visiting an HTTP site as you’ll see a URL like this: http://www.mywebsite.com. Personal data that you share with an HTTP website isn’t encrypted, making this type of site much more accessible for hackers to steal, corrupt, or break into your website.

Does your website have a “Not Secure” label?
Reason #1: Google Doesn’t Like “Not Secure” Websites
Google will call out sites with unencrypted connections and label them as “Not Secure” in the URL bar. Under an unencrypted HTTP connection, the information you send across the web can be intercepted by a hacker or other individual who doesn’t have your best intentions in mind. In extreme cases, man-in-the-middle attacks, and other similar hacker attacks, websites can pose as a destination site. These “fake sites” trick you into handing over your credentials, credit card info, or additional sensitive information to their database, which can then be used to create a fake ID. This information can be sold or used to open credit cards or other deceitful internet practices.
Reason #2: Having a “Not Secure” Label Reduces Trust in Your Website
We’re bombarded by news stories of data breaches, identity theft, fraud, and internet viruses daily. If you’re a school or other large entity that houses large demographics, online security is a must. Many businesses and consumers are looking for trust signals as soon as they arrive on your website. If your site has been marked by Chrome as not secure, it’s bound to put fear into a consumer and have them leave your website for your competitor’s “safe” website.
Reason #3: Your Company will Suffer Monetary Loss with a “Not Secure” Label
Like many other businesses, you have spent countless hours, time, and effort building your brand and associating your platform with excellent customer service and quality products. Ignoring the “Not Secure” label can put a severe kibosh on your hard work. Think of visitors arriving at your site only to receive a first impression of the ‘Not Secure’ website sign. They’re not going to feel that their safety is valued and will most likely not purchase or stay on your site to read your information. Previous purchasers might question your data protection practices, leading to uncertainty, disappointment, and lost sales. The values and experiences potential consumers associate with your brand can negatively smear and make your customers flock to other websites.
Let Visual Web Group assist your company website in becoming secure to gather trust in your business! We offer packages for your website security. Not sure where to start? Contact us today for a complimentary consultation to see how Visual Web Group can increase your website security to attract customers today!